Sail Skills - ColRegs Free Guide to ColRegs (the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, the IRPCS or Collision Regs).  Guidance covers all aspects with animations, pictures and diagrams.  Aimed at small vessel users but suitable for professional mariners.  Especially recommended for RYA examination candidates.
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ColRegs Home>ColRegs>Definitions>WIG Craft Rule 3 (m) WIG Craft  Aircraft that cruise close to the water.  This gives:  extra lift and  fuel economy  “Wing-in-ground” WIG craft (Russian) Small WIG craft flying past spectators (UHXRW Hoverwing) WIG craft (Russian) back to top Image with Permission:  US Navy’s Office of Information, Washington DC If it is not practicable for a WIG craft (or seaplane) to exhibit:  the prescribed:  lights and  shapes  correct:  shape characteristics position  she shall comply as closely as possible
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